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Saturday, March 15


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Dt. Dhanashri Khedekar Kale - Clinical & Research Dietitian specialised in Ketogenic Therapies and Certified Nutrigenomics Counsellor from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Q1. How and when did you start your Entrepreneur Journey? What inspired you to start your own business? I have been a clinical & researc...

Q1. How and when did you start your Entrepreneur Journey? What inspired you to start your own business?

I have been a clinical & research dietician for the past 16 years. I have treated many patients for various disorders and also provided consultation to  several clients for weight loss/ weight gain. 

I started my entrepreneurial journey 1.5 years back of training qualified dieticians for Ketogenic Therapies (Keto Diet) in Weight loss, Type 2 DM, various Neurological disorders & Cancer. I was motivated to share my knowledge and also serve people to live a healthy lifestyle.

Q2. Kindly describe more about your business, your role, products/services.

I provide online consultations to various patients and clients worldwide including groom to be & bride to be. I also offer an Online Training to a Qualified dietician for Ketogenic therapies with practical authentic knowledge.

Q3. Please share about unique feature/specialty/USP of your Product/Service.

As a Trainer, my USP is my 1-2-1 coaching and life-long mentorship for Qualified Dietician for Ketogenic therapies.

As a Consultant Dietician, my USP is that based on the client’s health condition, Blood parameters & lifestyle, I design  customised diet plans with the appropriate type of diet.

Q4. How would you explain the importance of your role into a Wedding?

Wedding is a once in a lifetime event & every person envisions their best appearance. I feel blessed that as a Dietician, I can help them to fulfil their vision.

Q5. What are the most common challenges you face at the wedding you are handling?

Time constraints to lose or gain weight for both bride & groom  is the most common challenge.  For healthy weight loss/ Weight Gain, time (duration) is the most important factor. Every individual is different & thus their metabolism which affects the results. Crash diets for drastic weight loss in shorter duration will lead to an unhealthy weight loss/weight gain affecting their blood parameters post wedding. So this can be avoided by early dietary consultations.

Q6. How do you deal with these challenges?

Counselling the couple to lose maximum weight but in a healthy manner & giving them body positive image.

Q7. Could you share one of your most unique creation/experience for/of a wedding?

My unique experience was of a wonderful couple who consulted me as soon as their Roka ceremony was performed, so I can have enough time to work on their weight loss journey prior to their wedding date & best part was their dream to fit in Large size & Medium size wedding garments from XXL & XL size garment respectively was absolutely fulfilled.

Q8. What type of collaborations would you like to explore in future?

Along with my many current clinical collaborations such as Neurologist, Gynaecologist etc, I would like to explore many health & lifestyle care collaborations including the ones related to pre-wedding grooming.

Q9. What is your vision for the next five years?

I wish to hold a PHD in Ketogenic therapies and I would also like to expand my online Ketogenic therapies course for Qualified Dieticians and serve maximum patients & clients across the globe.

Q10. What would you advise new entrepreneurs who want to start & sustain in the business?

To be a Successful entrepreneur & to sustain it for long, you should not only focus on shaping your professional career but also to strike a beautiful work-life balance. Because I believe a successful entrepreneur is the one who can multitask all aspects of life right from family, friends, finance, personal hobbies etc. 

Q11. LinkedIn profile URL link

Q12. Facebook profile URL link


Q13. Twitter profile URL link


Q14. Instagram profile URL link

Q15. Personal blog URL link


Q16. Company website & Company blog URL link


Q17. YouTube channel URL link


Interviewed by : Khushboo Chotaliya - Influencer & Co-Founder of Sanskari Decor from Mumbai, India

Referred by: Dr. Prachi Ambolkar - International Consulting Dietitian from New Panvel, India

Both Khushboo & Dr. Prachi are students of Digital Influencers Academy.

Kindly follow Khushboo here:

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